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Historical review

The Rev. Ken Anderson served as Superintendent of Central America from 1998 to 2002. From the beginning of his administration, he realized that each of the seven countries in the area worked with individual plans; In other words, there was no strategic integration plan for the Region.

God gave Rev. Anderson a vision of integration and a special grace to convey that vision; which he shared with Rev. Roberto Aldana, who served as National Superintendent of the Church of God of Guatemala.

Rev. Aldana served as Superintendent of Central America from 2002 to 2010, but even before being appointed to that position, he began to write the vision, giving it form and content. Perhaps the most significant achievement in Rev. Aldana's administration was to have defined and promoted the financing strategy for the Corporate Vision through the monthly missionary service and the promises of faith.

So we can in all fairness refer to Rev. Anderson and Rev. Aldana as the forerunners of the Corporate Vision.


Dr. Collins served as Superintendent of Central America from 2010 to 2016. In his administration the Corporate Vision is restructured and its six axes are defined with more precision.

Dr. Collins appointed leaders to serve as Central American liaison for each of the Vision's axes and appointed coordinators for the following ministries: Ministry of Women, 4/14 Window, and Emerging Generation. During his administration, the CEAC (Central American Executive Committee) was organized and, in addition, strategic alliances were made with ecclesiastical organizations in order to achieve adequate traction in each of the axes and ministries.

Rev. Pedro Guardado was appointed Central America Superintendent in August 2016, a position he holds to date.

Our current Superintendent continues with the work of promoting the Corporate Vision, with special emphasis on the planting and revitalization of churches, and also driving the transition process into the next decade.

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After fifteen years of working together (2003-2018) we can identify the following achievements:

- The organization of ARCA (Central American Representative Assembly). ARCA is the legislative body of the Church of God in Central America, which discusses and approves the agreements for Central America, which acquire the category of official standards for the entire Area. It is made up of all staff appointed by the World Mission Board.

ARCA was organized in a session held in Santa Tecla, El Salvador, on July 27, 2000.

- The organization of the SEBIPCA (Central American Pentecostal Biblical Seminary). It is our Higher Education Seminar for the Church of God in Central America.

The SEBIPCA was also approved in the session held in Santa Tecla, El Salvador, on July 27, 2000 and began operating its residential program in 2002, in the Church's educational building located in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala.

- The organization of the CEAC (Executive Committee of Central America). This body is made up of the National Supervisors and Superintendents of each country, the Area Superintendent, the president of SEBIPCA and two National Directors of Education. It is the Advisory Committee of the Central America Superintendent and responsible for the administrative decisions of the Church in the Area. The CEAC as such was constituted in October 2011.

- The creation of AMCA (Central American Missionary Agency). AMCA was established by ARCA agreement in a session held in San José, Costa Rica on May 31, 2001. In 2002, it sent the first missionary family to work with a Muslim ethnic group in North Africa.

- Credentialing process. As a result of the integration, it was possible that in September 2014 the process of the international credential of Exhortator for the Church of God of Guatemala will be authorized. In September 2015 this privilege was extended to the seven countries in our area.

- The hymn motto of the Church of God of Central America. Last, but not least, is the fact that the Church of God in our area has adopted a slogan hymn that identifies us and unites us in the same spirit: "Forward Church of God."


1. EMCA (Central American Ministerial Meeting). It was held from October 22 to 25, 2003 in Panajachel, Guatemala. The purpose was to officially launch the Corporate Vision for the entire Area. The main leadership of the seven countries attended, adding an attendance of half a thousand people.

2. Central American Representative Assembly, held in San Salvador, from July 27 to 29, 2005. Purpose: to promote the vision, with special emphasis on Global Mission.

3. Central American Representative Assembly, held in Tegucigalpa, April 21-24, 2009. Purpose: to evaluate and promote the vision, emphasizing the need to establish and practice Discipleship in the style of Jesus.

4. Central American Ministerial Assembly, from May 20 to 24, 2019, in El Salvador. Purpose: to focus on the close of the 2020s and begin to envision the 2030s.

This Assembly was called the IV Central American Ministerial Assembly, recognizing the previous three as such. It was also agreed that from here on it will be held every four years.

If we judge the value of a vision by the results, we can conclude that the Corporate Vision is a vision of God for our Church in Central America. Our deep gratitude to the leaders who knew how to interpret the times and discerned God's will for our beloved Church in the Area.

Times change, vision is renewed, God's mission continues, and God's Church advances in the power of the Holy Spirit. Go ahead Church of God.

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